Mavic Pro

Mavic Pro Platinum

Mavic Pro Platinum

Mavic Pro Platinum

How to perform a Geo Fence Self Unlock Before You Fly

Navigate to DJI's Self Unlock webpage.

Perform Setup Before Leaving Home

12 Tips - How to Setup my DJI Mavid Pro - Before You Leave Home

12 Tips - How to Setup my DJI Mavid Pro - Before You Leave Home

FAA Drone Zone Certificate

FAA Drone Zone Certificate


Drone Remote Tablet Holders

Tablet Holders

After receiving a new Apple iPad Pro (Gen 5) 12.3" tablet, I needed a new tablet holder for my drone remote.


Flying Drones Over Homes

Flying Drones Over Homes

Can a drone fly over my home/property?

The short answer is 'yes'. The Federal Aviation Administration controls the air above your home, and property lines do not extend into the sky.

"Believe it or not, the airspace is considered a public thoroughfare, so it's just like the street at your house - where you have no right to keep people out of it," said Vic Moss, an educator with Drone U.

Can a drone record me in my own backyard?

Yes. According to Eby, property owners do not have an expectation of privacy when they are out in the open, even in their own backyards.

"Even if you did have an expectation of privacy, it wouldn't mean that you just have the right to club a drone out of the air. It would mean that you would have to go through legal channels in order to prevent that person from flying that drone over your property in the future and maybe obtaining monetary damages or other damages," Eby said.

Can I shoot a drone out of the sky?

No, you cannot shoot a drone out of the sky. Drones are considered aircraft by the National Transportation Safety Board and are protected.

"The same law that prevents you from shooting down a 747, or a Cessna 172, or something like that, protects our drones while we are in the air. You cannot shoot down an aircraft period. It is against federal law," Moss said.

What is the danger if I do shoot down a drone?

You could be fined or face jail time. Beyond that, there are safety concerns to take into account.

"Drones are powered by lithium polymer, also called Lipo batteries, and Lipo battery is a fire waiting to happen," Moss said. "If you shoot this down and you bust the battery and it lands on your house, your house will burn down."

There are also possible legal steps the owner of the downed drone could take.

"The owner of the drone has rights and someone damaging their property would be liable for that damage," Eby said.

Can I shine a bright light or laser pointer at the drone?

Also no. Once again, drones are treated like aircraft, so if you're not allowed to do it to an airplane, you're not allowed to do it to a drone.

So, what can you do when it comes to drones?

The first thing to do is try to figure out who owns the drone and talk to them.

"If you can find who owns the drone, you can have a conversation with them. Most people are reasonable," Eby said.

Drones fly within a short distance of their operators and have limited battery power, so finding the operator isn't impossible.

If they are unreasonable, it's best to get law enforcement involved.

"Call the cops if you really honestly think that it is spying on you. That means it's down to tree-top level and hovering," Moss said.

There are nuisance and peeping Tom laws that may apply and offer some sort of legal course you can take to stop the drone from hovering over your house.